be a champion

The role of an Evansville Community Champion is to positively promote our city in ways that helps us to stand out. A community champion is someone who lives and breathes our city brand. They focus on sharing stories and developing strategies that create an awareness and loyalty among the residents and the public. A brand champion must be passionate about the initiative – e is for everyone!

Community Champions are encouraged to:

  • Live the brand by speaking positively about Evansville, supporting local businesses and organizations, and contributing to the all-around betterment of our community.
  • Educate yourself about the initiative through the website or conversations with the Community Champion leaders, so that you can be an advocate for e is for everyone. 
  • Recruit more Community Champions (friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc.)
  • Engage with e is for everyone posts on social media and/or include it in your own social media posts
  • Help fill immediate needs by joining one (or more) of the four Champion Teams 

How can Community Champions can get more involved? 

  1. community event volunteers 
    • logistics: coordinating with event leaders, setup, swag, etc
    • outreach: face-to-face interaction at event, taking photos, tell people about the brand, etc.
  2. community outreach
    • engage individuals and organizations to spread awareness about EIFE
    • example: give a brand presentation to local organization/business
    • example: media interviews
  3. planning and sustainability
    • how does EIFE become more community-driven?
    • what does EIFE look like in 1 year, 3 years, 5 years?
  4. “e” awareness projects 
    • coordinating with organizations/businesses to identify opportunities to incorporate the brand into other initiatives/attractions/etc.
    • example: coordinate mural artwork on the side of an old building
    • example: identify an opportunity for a new community event on the river


Meet your Community Champion Leaders! 
Mary Allen and Leslie Eades will be your main points of contact. They will help organize, lead, and facilitate the Community Champion meetings and volunteer efforts. They will help coordinate ongoing needs and provide direction and accountability to the Community Champions for successful implementation of ideas and projects.

Connect with them: 

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Community Champion Facebook Group

Sign up to be a Champion now!