Nationally Ranked, Locally Loved


We're kind of a big deal...

In the world of rankings, Evansville shines like a diamond. Join us in celebrating the Evansville difference, where every ranking is a high-five to our region!

West Side Nut Club Fall Festival
Tops USA Today’s list of best fall festivals
Evansville #8 Lowest Cost of Living Names 2023 Cities with the Lowest Cost of Living in America
Evansville #3 City for Remote Workers
Wall Street Journal Names Best Cities for remote workers in the U.S.
Evansville #1 for Millennial Homebuyers Names 10 Hottest Cities for Young Millennial Homebuyers
Pangea = #1 Neapolitan, #2 Detroit pizza
Highest Ranking Pizza by The Washington Post
Evansville is home to the Largest Skatepark in Indiana
Sunset Skatepark is 23,000 sq ft in Downtown Evansville
Evansville #3 in high-income household growth
SmartAsset records 150.0% increase in high-income households (816 households added)